True Heart of God Church

True Heart of God Church
True Heart of God/Heart of Fire

The True Heart

The True Heart of God Church has been kept hidden for such a time as this, is coming forth!

Today as we know it, there has been a separation going on in the body of Christ.  There are those who have the “True Heart” the “True Spirit of God” and there are those who have the heart of wanting to keep things going as they used to be. Because it is a comfort zone that suits themselves.

The “True Heart” with the “True Spirit of God” is a body that will have the heart of pleasing the Lord in EVERYWAY!  It is not focused on pleasing man or on pleasing self but on pleasing the Holy Spirit.  Their eyes are on bringing in the Harvest for the Lord. In order to do so, they must show LOVE, COMPASSION AND SPEAK TRUTH BUT BE DONE IN LOVE WITHOUT ANY KIND OF CONDEMNATION WITHOUT ANY KIND OF “RELIGION” BEING INVOLVED!

A New Era Is Coming

There is a new era coming… it won’t be like past time churches. It won’t be about the church building, the Big Name, or even about the Pastor. Too many people have gotten hung up on having favor with the pastor and pleasing him instead of God. They’ve gotten so hung up on politics in church that they’ve lost their eyesight and have become deaf to seeing and hearing what the Lord is truly showing them and saying. Too many needs in the church have been ignored for this very reason! Most of the church today DO NOT HAVE DISCERNMENT!

This new era of the end time church, (the “TRUE” body of Christ) …you will not want to stay away from. These are going to be the smaller churches that the Lord has kept hidden and is beginning to bring out of the woodwork FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. This body of Christ will lead others to the right path, the right place, with the right focus bringing ALL of God’s people into UNITY with the right heart and WILL NOT LEAD YOU ASTRAY BUT WILL LEAD YOU TO TRUTH…TO YOUR DESTINY!

This church will focus on the needs of God’s people such as bringing healing to the broken and the broken hearted. There has to be a spiritual healing for there to be a mental, emotional and a physical healing!  So many have gone astray from hurt and brokenness in the body of Christ.

A man’s enemies are the members of his own household. Matthew 10:35

This isn’t just speaking about flesh and blood (relatives) but also about the church!

There will be no JEALOUSY OR CONTROL of any kind!  Where there is jealousy and control “THERE IS A GREAT LACK IN THAT CHURCH”!  Remember whatever is in the leader’s heart will eventually find its way into the congregation! This should not have ever entered into the church in the first place! IT’S ANOTHER BIG REASON WHY SO MANY HAVE LEFT THE CHURCH!

The True Heart church will focus on bringing people back to life!  Preparing them for the KINGDOM OF GOD!   THEY WILL ONLY SPEAK TRUTH, LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, GIVEN WITH LOVE AND COMPASSION.

Fresh Bread or Stale Bread

The churches that lack SPIRITUALLY, are the ones who want to keep things going as they once were. They want to continue in being the “Bless me Club!” These are the churches that have their eyes fixed on money, possessions, titles, and prestige.  They have nothing but self on the mind, they speak about self from the pulpit instead of focusing on the Word of God. Listen to what comes out of the mouth, and you will learn more about that leader’s heart. Listen and look for the message he is speaking on.

Is he giving fresh bread or is it stale bread, is it the same messages over and over again? Is he speaking only about what he has done or has accomplished from the past? What is he doing now, today? Is it all talk and no action? Is the message chaotic? (All over the place) Just mumbo jumbo?

God Could Care Less About Your Money


When the focus is on the wrong things then it is impossible for the Holy Spirit to move the way He would like to move. For this reason, the pastor cannot hear the Holy Spirit correctly. And really, he doesn’t want to, because if he did, there wouldn’t be a problem would there? This is also laziness! It’s much easier to get someone else’s message and look like they know something then to take time and listen to the Holy Spirit themselves.

Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

(If you are a leader and this describes you, it is never too late to change! If you don’t, you will come to regret it!)

This is a sign that you are in the wrong place! The Holy Spirit does not reside in a place that is not being moved by HIM! A place where he is not being sought after to give the message that he (the Holy Spirit) wants to give. If there is not edification or inspiration of any kind, God isn’t in it. The message should be focused on helping the congregation in “spirit and in truth” leading and guiding them to want to live and do better setting them free, (John 8:32 Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free…) so they can help others too!

The Building Is About to Take an Exit

These are also a body that walk with a ‘RELIGIOUS SPIRIT”.  A religious spirit does not walk in love but with condemnation, selfishness, jealousy, control and fear…Control comes from fear. These churches are about the “make me feel good music and messages”. Because that gets them what they want in the offering plate. It allows a certain type of man to enter into the building and pushes away those they don’t want…It is judgmental and suits their purpose only!

A lot of the larger churches have lost their savor, they have depended on the congregations for so long, they have forgotten what it’s like to exercise their faith…they don’t know how! Think about it, they haven’t needed God or faith because their focus has been on the offering plate, the larger amount of people the more money and the more money the more I don’t have to rely on GOD! The church building has become the focus not the body. It has become a show, let’s tickle their ears and make it look like I’m hearing from God!

God never intended for church to be about the building. Folks THE BUILDING IS ABOUT TO TAKE AN EXIT! Those who continue to ride this path will not be moving forward but will stay put!

God Allowed the Pandemic

We need to keep our faith exercised, when we get so big and rely on others instead of God, then it’s time for a change! Guess what? That change began when the pandemic hit! God allowed it!

Since the pandemic hit, it has been very hard for some who are staying home due to fear and some using the virus as an excuse because they haven’t found that “True Heart of God church that their spirit man has been so longing and hungry for. There is no enthusiasm of wanting to go. Why? I think you know the answer to that…those of you who are honest with yourselves.

Hebrew 10:25 Not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.

The Bible tells us that we must not forsake the gathering together for this can be very harmful, why? Because when we separate ourselves from each other it then opens the door for the enemy to come in and attack the mind.

True Heart of God Ministries Being Incorporated

The Lord has impressed on my heart to begin a corporate ministry on this website “The True Heart of God” for those who have the true heart of God who are out to see the lost won, the broken and the brokenhearted healed. These are going to be the ministries the Lord has kept hidden for such a time as this. A lot of the smaller ministries have hung in there and have gained a great strength and a great faith through their wait from not giving up! Their hearts are about pleasing the Lord and not on themselves! They never doubted or gave up! They understand what faith is and what the waiting process is all about!

I will be incorporating these ministries on this website that will help lead you to the place that will meet your specific need. I believe a new fire will be placed on the inside of you and will bring a fresh fulfillment!

There are a few pastors and leaders who have stopped pastoring and ministering for the sake of the Lord calling them to other things. I believe it was part of the Lord testing their hearts and preparing them for today. I believe the Lord is raising this particular body up with more fire than ever before.

What you have just read is direction as to what you should seek for.


Don’t let appearance or size have an effect on your decision or you will miss it. Test the waters…you will know through the Holy Spirit the realness of God, the realness of their heart, and the realness of the Lord’s love for you. You will feel the Lord’s heart in the people, and it will reside in your heart!

If you want to be a part of the last days True Heart of God body and know you will not be led astray, then stay tuned… it’s gonna get good!

Note: If you leave any comments, know that no one will see them unless I approve them first…this will keep spam to a minimum.

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