Prayer Requests and Testimonies

Prayer Requests and Testimonies
Prayer Requests and Testimonies

Prayer requests and testimonies bring strength, power, and invites the presence of the Holy Spirit which completes the process and brings on the manifestation!

Do you need an agreement in prayer for a healing… physically, spiritually, emotionally or maybe mentally? Do you have a specific need? Do you need confirmation in an area of your life? God wants to give you the answers to these things! We want to see your prayers answered by standing with you in agreement!

Again, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Matthew 18:18-20

Why it’s so important to have someone in agreement with you in prayer

When you have another person in agreement with you it puts things into action! Having that other person increases faith action because if one should waiver the other one has it covered! More than two would be all the more awesome!

Whenever you have others stand in agreement with you, ALWAYS MAKE SURE THEIR HEARTS ARE RIGHT AND YOURS! Make sure there isn’t any kind of unforgiveness towards anyone for this will hinder and hold back answered prayer. Their faith should be equally yoked or on a higher level with yours.

If God can heal a person and give a word of knowledge or a confirmation from a Christian television broadcast network as He has done for me…. Won’t He do the same for you? God is the same today as He was yesterday! The Lord healed me of scoliosis through the 700 club when I was 19 years old. Visit “My Testimonies” page and read the rest of the testimony along with a few others.

I believe the Lord is going to do some awesome miraculous things through this website!

Check out my “To Your Destiny” page on FB and see more of what TYD is all about! “To Your Destiny@keepingthejoy” FB.

Prayer Requests & Testimonies

The Power of Testimonies

Testimonies build up, encourage and inspire us all to keep moving forward. They also say, “MINE IS COMING!”

GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS! Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

TESTS ARE MADE FOR TESTIMONIES...Needing prayer comes from “TESTS”; Testimonies come from “ANSWERED PRAYER!”

Have you noticed how testimonies have been silenced in the church? They seem to have gotten lost in the crowd somewhere. You hardly ever hear about anyone’s Testimony anymore. You know why? Because as we know it, the church has allowed the enemy to seep in and take over. The devil knows how important testimonies are! TESTIMONIES BRING HEALING, ENCOURAGEMENT, INSPIRATION AND HOPE! (Notice how I’m not giving credit to the devil…it’s us who make the choices.

Why Testimonies Are Important

Testimonies bring FAITH

Testimonies bring HEALING

Testimonies bring FREEDOM

Testimonies REVIVE US

Testimonies are TRIUMPH & VICTORY

When we share our testimonies, there is a powerful release of the anointing that brings FAITH, HEALING AND INSIGHT in the area of each individual. It also keeps the Holy Spirit stirred up on the inside of us who enables us to pass that anointing on to others that will INSTILL VICTORY! HEALING MANIFESTS ITSELF THROUGH TESTIMONIES!

Testimonies are a form of PRAISE

When we share our Testimony, we are giving God Praise and showing Thankfulness.

Testimonies are another way of WORSHIP

Sharing our Testimony is another way of being obedient to the Lord…When you don’t share what has been freely given to you and you know it will help someone else, YOU ARE IN DISOBEDIENCE! The enemy will tell you, “If you share this you will look like you’re bragging, or you will look like you’re being insensitive to others who are suffering…etc.” These are the exact people who need to hear it!

The enemy doesn’t want anyone to have HOPE or receive healing of any kind…He doesn’t want us giving Glory to God!

RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, you have a chance in being obedient to the Lord, by sharing your Testimony; TO HELP, ENCOURAGE, INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, HEAL, GIVE CONFIRMATION AND HOPE TO OTHERS.

If you have a testimony, I would love for you to share it. YOUR TESTIMONY MATTERS! DON’T EVER ALLOW THE ENEMY TO TELL YOU OTHERWISE! Even if you think it’s no big deal or it may seem teeny tiny to you…IT WON’T BE TEENY TINY TO SOMEONE ELSE! It’s more fulfilling to share knowing you have helped someone!


Note: If you leave any comments, know that no one will see them unless I approve them first…this will keep spam to a minimum.

Prayer Requests will only be seen by me and my team!

Please leave only Prayer Requests or Testimonies…If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment section or email me…Thank you!

Prayer Requests and Testimonies

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