Healing and Deliverance Testimonies

Healing and Deliverance Testimonies

Healing and deliverance testimonies… God desires for all to be used by Him…NOT IN JUST ONE WAY! I hope these testimonies will inspire and encourage you to be more than what you have envisioned for your own life.

For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14

As Norvel Hayes phrased it in one of his books, Endued with Power, “You need all the gifts of the spirit. You can’t say, I’ve got healing, I don’t need miracles. Or, I’ve got miracles, I don’t need prophesy. Or, I’ve got wisdom, I don’t need tongues and interpretation.”

It isn’t something that you have to earn or deserve. It’s just being available and having a desire for it. We should all want the desire to be used by the Lord. As long as we keep ourselves in check and not make it about us.

Some of these testimonies are recent and some are from a few years back.

You Can Stand in and Receive for Your Spouse & Other’s Healing

Standing In for My Spouse

Early in my marriage my now ex-husband had developed white bumps on his tongue, it scared him! He thought at the time it may be cancer. (This happened after I had received healing for the growths that were on my foot as stated under my Testimonies of the Lord Healing Me page). I began to pray for him, and I said to the Lord and to his tongue as though he (husband) were standing in front of me; I am one with this man so therefore I can stand in for him and receive for him. He didn’t have the faith that I had but he trusted in my faith for him. I began to rebuke and bind the white bumps and reminded his tongue that it was and has been healed by the stripes of Jesus every day! Well Guess what? The white bumps were gone within a few days after him having them for a few weeks. Praise the Lord!

This is when and how I learned I could stand in for others! After all, aren’t we sisters and brothers in the Lord? We’re one in spirit! YOU CAN DO THE SAME TOO…YOU CAN!

Whenever you feel the Lord leading you to pray for someone, wherever it may be, REMEMBER THE ANOINTING WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE THERE! YOUR CONFIDENCE LIES IN KNOWING THE HOLY SPIRIT IS LEADING YOU. TRUST and BELIEVE in what the Word says. Remember it isn’t you who is doing the healing… It’s the Lord!


James 2:14 Faith without works is dead just as the body is dead without the spirit.

Whenever we do things for the Lord and are in obedience, He will always follow through with His manifestation! He will go before you and will be beside you and will come behind you. He will be there for you every step of the way!

Testimonies of Manifestations from Laying on of Hands

I pray for people wherever I go when I feel led by the Lord. I have done this for years. It’s important to be open and willing! Everyone of God’s people have been called to do this! You have to learn and know the scriptures and put them into practice. By doing this you are stirring up the gifts. How do you stir up the gifts? BY GETTING OUT THERE AND PRAYING FOR OTHERS… PRACTICE LISTENING AS YOU PRAY.

In Walmart the Lord Healed My Ex-Employee’s Thyroid

It was May 2016 in Walmart I ran into an ex-employee of mine who used to work for me at a senior living home where I was the Administrator/Manager. She was overweight and told me she had gone to the doctor and said they were going to remove her thyroid and so on. The Holy Spirit rose up on the inside of me and I blurted out, “NO, YOU WILL NOT NEED TO HAVE THAT THYROID REMOVED!” (That was a “word of knowledge” given by the Holy Spirit) The anointing came on me to pray and speak healing over her thyroid and body. I didn’t give it a thought about what others would think. I knew it was of the Lord that I pray for her.

It was the same year Christmas Eve that I ran into her again. She saw me and came to me with excitement and said, “Miss Dorrine, The Lord healed me! They didn’t take my thyroid out, I’m no longer on medication of any kind!” And let me tell you she was almost unrecognizable… she had lost so much weight(60lbs)! A miracle of God! The Lord let me know what he had done for her through that prayer 6 months later. WOW! What a Christmas gift that was! I was so thrilled for her and thankful for the Lord to have revealed that to me. When God heals, He does a complete healing not a partial healing!

God Healing a Woman with Severe Sciatica in the Department Store

I was standing in line at a department store in Chattanooga and noticed the cashier was standing bent over the whole time I’m waiting in line; she was an African American. There was a long line of people waiting and she was the only cashier available. In my mind I was thinking her feet must be hurting her pretty bad. I just kept watching her and found myself more drawn to her. (This is how God begins to prepare us for what He wants).

When it was my turn, I asked the cashier if her feet were hurting her really bad. She replied, “No I have severe sciatica, I’m going to have surgery on it when I can.” The Lord then moved on me to pray for her, and as I did, SHE STOPPPED WHAT SHE WAS DOING AND LIFTED BOTH HANDS IN THE AIR AND BEGAN THANKING AND PRAISING GOD! I also prayed for her life and home to be blessed! She didn’t care who saw, she was caught up into what God was doing for her! She thanked me, I paid for my things and went on my way.

When I got to the exit door, the alarm system went off, the cashier forgot to take off the alarm piece that was on my item. As I turned around to head back to her, SHE WAS STANDING STRAIGHT UP AND PAIN FREE!!! HALEIGHLUIAH! I heard her telling the next customer that we had just had church and the customer (who also was an African American), replied, “that’s what it’s supposed to be all about.” I then got involved in the conversation ha-ha. I believe the Lord deliberately allowed that alarm piece to have been left on that item for me to see what He had done. But you know what else…OTHERS GOT TO SEE GOD MOVE IN HIS MIRACULOUS WAY!

The amazing thing was, no one in line got upset or impatient! They all got a seed planted into their lives and learned something that day!

Casting Out Demons/Gift of Miracles

A Young Woman Delivered from a Legion of Demons

I’m going to keep this story as short as possible due to the length. It was on a Saturday; I was attending a Ladies Conference. I found myself focusing on a young woman who was leading Praise and Worship. (Here is where the Lord was preparing me). There was something about her that I couldn’t put my finger on. I just didn’t know what it was yet. After the service, brunch was waiting on us all. Mrs. Pastor and I were standing in line getting our food and she says to me, “There is an anointing on you, but I can’t figure out what it is,” and she repeats herself.

We ended up sitting at the same table together and I felt moved to let Mrs. Pastor know that I was thinking of coming to the church service the next day. She lit up and said, “Then maybe the guest speaker can tell you what the anointing is. ” My reply was, “I pretty much already know what it is, but if I come it won’t be for me, maybe it will be you who tells me.” I really did feel that it wasn’t going to be for me, I just said what was in my heart.

I’m going to move ahead here for a moment then I’ll get back where I left off…so bear with me. Later the next day after all was said and done, Mrs. Pastor told me that she said to the Lord, “God I really feel like she’s supposed to come back here. How am I going to her back here? If I beg her, she’s going to think I’m crazy!” Haha! As it turned out she didn’t have to say anything to me…The Holy Spirit lead the way!

Now back to my story… The next morning during the church service while the guest speaker was speaking, I noticed the young woman from the day before who led praise and worship (that I kept focusing on) was on her knees at her seat worshipping the Lord, my thought was, “This is kind of strange, something may be off here but so far not really a big deal.” Then I began to hear her murmuring and singing and while doing this she was rocking back and forth. Then my antenna went up and I began watching her more intently.

The next thing I saw was, she gets up and goes directly and kneels on the floor in the front of where the guest speaker was. She starts out quietly praying then she gets loud! The guest speaker asks her gently to wait, she was almost through, then she could have her turn. The young woman gets up and begins to rebuke the guest speaker and told the guest speaker how she needed to get on her knees to worship and repent to God and told her she had a Jezebel Spirit! Then the guest speaker asks for a couple of people to escort the young woman out.

Here I am sitting with my leopard print 4-inch-high heels on and nice navy-blue dress with gold buttons and leopard print scarf. I’m sitting there contemplating and seeking the Lord…”Okay Lord is this why you had me to come back here?” I was willing to do whatever He wanted me to do! NOTICE THE KEY WORD, “WILLING!”

A Religious Spirit Was the First to Go

I got up from my chair and headed to the back room where they took her. The first thing this young woman did was head over to me and she locked her fingers into mine gave me direct eye contact and had me up pinned up against the wall bending my fingers backwards! I said, “Lord, you’re gonna have to give me supernatural strength here because this girl can easily break my fingers and you know I need my fingers!” Here comes a man just in time who happened to be a relative. We got her into a room and shut the door and I began to cast out the first spirit which was a “religious spirit”. But before that I took my high heels off and threw them out the door because I didn’t want to take a chance of my shoes ending up in the side of some one’s head! You just never know.

A Legion of Demons

After the church service ended the Pastors came into the room and a few more and began stepping in to help. To make a long story short. Everyone pulled and worked together! We all had respect for each other!

One thing Mrs. Pastor and I both specified was for them to not give the young woman any eye contact! Because if they had showed any ounce of fear that demon would’ve jumped from her into them! I also specified for them to not talk to her, do not respond to her because it isn’t her that they’re talking to, it would give the demons an advantage. She was physically very strong but not from her own strength! It took everyone to hold her down! She was overtaken by demons.

Demons Give Themselves Away

There were a few times I had to get alone with the Lord to seek His direction and find out what this was and to how to go about it and what to do step by step. While they continued rebuking and binding, speaking life and victory into her, the first time I got alone with the Lord, I heard the Holy Spirit say Legion. She had many demons.


I knew what demons to cast out because they gave themselves away!

One demon spoke to me and said, “You can leave now woman of God, you’re not needed here anymore.”

My thought was, “These demons recognize who I am, I must be pretty important for them to recognize me as that.” Oh yeah, that’s right I am a woman of God…Ha-ha! They were afraid of me because I was not afraid of doing what the Lord had called me to do. I was not afraid because I knew the Lord had placed me there and it was His anointing on me to get the job done! I know how to stand firm and not give up! My confidence was in the Lord not myself! I was just the vessel, the tool and the mouthpiece!

I said to that demon, “I don’t listen and obey what you say, you have to obey me and do what I say in the name of Jesus! Now come out of her right now in Jesus name!”

The next time I got alone with the Lord, I had no idea how long this was all going to take, all I knew was, I was willing to stay the night if had I to! Again, God doesn’t half do things! We are to hang in there until the end and is completed! God will give supernatural strength as He did me! I asked the Lord how long we were to continue this. He said, “Wear them down! They (The demons) get tired and when they get tired, they have no choice but to quit and give up, they have to leave!

Demons Are Accusers

It took 5 hours for this young woman to be delivered and set free from five demonic spirits! Remember earlier I mentioned the young woman accusing the guest speaker of having a Jezebel Spirit? She then accused another person of having the same spirit. I saw then and there who the accuser was! That was the Jezebel spirit accusing someone else of having it. Demons are accusers, they will accuse someone else…this is one way they reveal themselves! That was the last demon we casted out of her.

I can tell you I learned so much from this experience. I learned how to listen more closely to how the devil and his demons work, how to respond and how to fake them out! We did victory dances, we shouted out victory as though we already had it…as though the young woman already had it! WE DROVE VICTORY DOWN THE DEMONS’ THROAT!

This was the anointing of GIFT OF MIRACLES working. When the anointing of the Gift of Miracles come on you, you are working under the supernatural. There is a supernatural energy and strength like you’ve never known before! I didn’t get tired or hungry and we were there practically the whole day!

I have a new family for life! I have an appreciation and a great respect and a deep love for this family of God! I know God has a special plan for them and I am so grateful and blessed to be a part of their lives! Family stick together through thick and thin. This was an intimate moment of family togetherness. The True Heart of God came together that day! It took us all working together to complete the job, not one could have done it without the other! Mrs. Pastor said to me, “This, is why God had you come back here!”

Mrs. Pastor was sensitive to the Holy Spirit from the get-go. She knew God had a plan, just didn’t know what it was yet. God will not reveal His plan most of the time until after you’ve stepped and obeyed.

God Healing on Social Media

I’ve been led by the Lord to be available on social media, (right now it’s on Facebook) to use the gifts of the spirit, from giving a word of knowledge, word of wisdom, to edifying and inspiring that will bring healing physically, mentally and spiritually to others and individually in every way.

It was a pretty scary thing for me to do at first. But I couldn’t listen to my thoughts about how people would think and what they would say about me. I had to be obedient to the Lord! Again, my confidence was in the Lord not myself, I was just the vessel.

I made myself available in whatever area in however way He wanted to do things. But also doing what He has called me to do… and that is TO FULFILL HIS PURPOSE! It’s all about what God wants and how He wants to do it, even if it doesn’t make sense or looks strange or even silly! His desire is that everyone be healed in every way…Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically!

We Are All Called in Using the Gifts of The Spirit

HIS DESIRE IS FOR ALL TO BE USED USING ALL THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT! God has called us all to do these things! It’s your AVAILABILITY that is needed. GOD WILL USE WHOEVER IS AVAILABLE! He used a donkey to see the angel of the Lord to lead Balaam in the direction God wanted him to go. But Balaam struck the Donkey because the donkey wasn’t listening to him, he didn’t know the donkey saw the angel block him. So, God opened up the Donkey’s mouth to speak. (Numbers 22:22-35)

God will sometimes stand in our way until we understand what it is He wants us to see. Ministry isn’t about being behind the pulpit. It’s about going into the world, the streets and being available in however way God wants to use us!


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